Monday, December 15, 2008

T-SQL vs. Managed Code

To use T-SQL or Managed Code...that is the question...

(Choosing Between T-SQL and Managed Code)
From Thiru Thangarathinam over at

"When writing stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions, programmers now will have to decide whether to use traditional T-SQL or a .NET language such as Visual Basic .NET or C#. The correct decision depends upon the particular situation. In some cases, you should use T-SQL; in others, you should use managed code.

T-SQL is best in situations where the code will mostly perform data access with little or no procedural logic. Managed code is best suited for CPU-intensive functions and procedures that feature complex logic, or where you want to leverage the .NET Framework's Base Class Library. Code placement is another important fact to consider. You can run both T-SQL and in-process managed code on the server. This functionality places code and data close together, and allows you to take advantage of the processing power of the server."